Do I live in a small town or the big city?

     I heard John Mellencamp’s song “Small Town” on the radio this morning. I always thought of Peru as a small town, but I just realized I’m wrong. 

     There are currently six incorporated cities in Miami county. There are twelve unincorporated cities. There are twenty-seven dissolved cities. At one point, Miami County has had forty-five cities inside its border. 

     Amboy, Converse, Bunker Hill, Denver, and Macy join Peru as incorporated cities. Signs still declare the unincorporated cities like Mexico and Chili. Dissolved cities like Erie and Tin Cup are still marked by signs, too. 

     Peru, being the largest city in the county became the county seat. So, truth be told, I actually live in the big city. 

     At least, it was a big city at one time. Dozens of stores that sold shoes and clothing have closed over the years. Mom and pop restaurants followed.

     The past few years have brought back some mom and pop restaurants as well as some locally owned shops. I still have to take a trip out of town to buy some things. 

     Ace is still the place to go first when I need something for a repair around the house. After that it’s Family Farm and Home. From there, I’m off to Rural King or Menards. 

     I still wonder what life was like in Peru at the turn of the century before the last one.  Did you have to travel to get what you needed, or did the general store have it. Was Peru a small town then?  I know the flood of 1913 caused some businesses to close and never reopen. The second world war brought about change as soldiers needed places to live when they returned home.  Some cookie cutter houses were built. 

     I’ve heard stories about the centennial celebration that took place in 1949. My mom and dad’s neighbor, Phyllis Pasley, remembers being in the parade. My dad remembers almost being trampled by people trying catch money being thrown from a third story window of a building. The Literary Aide has a picture on the wall of members at that time. 

     The bicentennial celebration is only twenty seven years away. I wonder how it will be celebrated?  Will someone question me about life in Peru?  Will they pull some of the memories I’ve written about and share them with a new generation?  

     I’m guessing that I’ll still be around. You’ll probably see me sitting at City Tire watching the parade pass by.

     Have a great day and make some great memories. 


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